NBER cps microdata pre-1989


I am interested in getting data into Stata format from the CPS monthly microdata files for years prior to 1989. I am trying to write my own dictionary file, but I am struggling. I have been trying to use provided file from 1989 onwards as a guide, but I suspect there are peculiarities about microdata files pre-1989 that I am unaware of? Any guidance/ direction to helpful resources would be greatly appreciated!

Based on the title of this post, it sounds like you are referring to the basic monthly CPS data files posted on the NBER website. Although we (IPUMS) do not service those data specifically, the IPUMS CPS project does provide easy access (with pre-made Stata syntax files) for pre-1989 CPS basic monthly files. You may find that accessing these data via IPUMS CPS is helpful.