Hello. I am using “nativity” from the 1940 census. However, a majority of observations has “N/A” listed for this variable. How should I interpret this N/A category? Is there a way to recode “N/A” into foreign-born vs. U.S.-born in some ways? Please advise.
In 1940, the question about foreign birthplace or parentage (NATIVITY) was only asked of sample-line persons (see the universe tab for NATIVITY). Non-sample-line persons are coded as “N/A” (NATIVITY = 0) because this information was not collected on the original census form for those individuals. Note that to calculate nationally-representative population estimates using variables asked only of sample-line persons, the sample-line weight SLWT should be used. For more information, see this documentation on sample line characteristics in 1940 and 1950.