I am attempting to calculate standard errors for the 5% 2000 PUMS data file. Specifically, I am attempting to caclulate the average household size for certain dwelling characteristics. I have collapsed the original rectangular dataset such that each observation indicates a household. For each household, I have indicated to stata to keep the first observed value for the number of person records, the strata variable, the cluster variable, and hhwt.
As indicated by the user guide, I svyset my data with the following command: svyset cluster [pweight=hhwt], strata(strata)
However, when I attempt to caclulate the mean value of NUMPREC, I receive a single point estimates with no standard errors and no 95% confidence intervals. In addition the following note is included: “Missing standard error because of stratum with single sampling unit.”
I’m not quite sure why I am getting this error. Is it something to do with the Indiana subsample perhaps being too small? Or perhaps I have erred in a command. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.