When I try to calculate the proportion of males by state and fiscal year quarters for people older than 17, I see a greater variation in the estimates from 2000-2004 that goes away in 2005-2014. I am aware of the issue with the WTFINL variable in April and June 2001 (CPS Small Sample Size April and June 2001: using stata [pweight=wtfinl] - sudden spike in educational attainment) but am not sure that is the only issue affecting my results. Code below generates what I am seeing. Need age, gender, hispanic, year, month, and wtfinl
* setwd
* load cps data
* FY Quarter model
* Quarter 1 is Oct, Nov, and Dec
gen quarter = 0
* Quarter 2 is Jan, Feb, and Mar
replace quarter = 1/4 if month == 1 | month == 2 | month == 3
* Quarter 3 is Apr, May, and June
replace quarter = 2/4 if month == 4 | month == 5 | month == 6
* Quarter 4 is July, Aug, and Sep
replace quarter = 3/4 if month == 7 | month == 8 | month == 9
gen year_quarter = year + quarter
replace year_quarter = year_quarter+1 if quarter ==0
drop if age < 17
gen population = 1
gen male = sex==2
gen hispanic = hispan != 0
keep male black hispanic population wtfinl statefip year_quarter
collapse (mean) male hispanic (count) population [pweight = wtfinl], by(statefip year_quarter)
* Most prominent in proportion of males
twoway (line male year_quarter), by(statefip)
* To a lesser, but noticeably, extent proportion hispanic
twoway (line hispanic year_quarter), by(statefip)
* Sharp dip in population circa 2001. Most noticeable in California
twoway (line population year_quarter), by(statefip)