I read here that enrollment is available in the october supplements, from 1968 onwards. However, in the samples page, it seems like october is not available until 1994.
A previous answer in this forum, here says that the school enrollment variable is not available prior to year 1986, and offers some solutions for people older than 14. Is that correct? Does that mean that there is no way to access the CPS enrollment historical data through IPUMS? Are there plans to include the October CPS samples prior to 1986 anytime soon? Is there another place where it could be possible to find them? Thanks!
It is correct that school enrollment for young children is not available in the CPS basic monthly data prior to 1986. As for the October Educational Supplement, IPUMS-CPS currently provides this data for 1989-2010. As you noted, the Educational Supplement began in 1968 and contains school enrollment for ages 3+. We are currently working on expanding CPS data offerings, first by increasing the number of basic monthly data files available and then expanding the supplement availability. At this time, I cannot say exactly when the earlier (pre-1989) Educational Supplement files will become available. In the meantime, some of the earlier October supplements are available for download as raw data files from NBER. These files include all variables present in the original questionnaires.