When the ICD-10 Classification replaced the ICD-9, MEPS discontinued its Clinical Classification System (CCS) in 2016 named CCCODE. In 2018 it had a new CCS variable CCSR1-CCSR3. Is there a crosswalk accross the two so that we can compare each disease for years after 2016 and years before 2016?
You can find the general equivalence mapping (GEM) between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes on the NBER Public Use Data Archive. Note that one ICD-9-CM code can often translate to several ICD-10-CM codes since the latter codes describe more specific conditions.
A note of caution that comparisons of conditions across the two classifications, even those represented in both the IDD9 and ICD10, are challenging. I’m attaching a slidedeck from the most recent MEPS workshop that covers this issue. Specifically, slide 8 demonstrates an example of how changing to the new coding scheme has affected reporting. You can use the MEPS data tools website to look at the estimates for other conditions to see how they might be affected by the switch (click medical conditions, number of cases).
Hope this helps.
3_Medical Conditions March 2022.pdf (683.2 KB)
Thank you Ivan.