Is it possible to get Monthly data on home ownership in the CPS?
The only one i find in the data is the one corresponding to the March CPS, but cant find the varible available for the basic monthly one.
Is it possible to get Monthly data on home ownership in the CPS?
The only one i find in the data is the one corresponding to the March CPS, but cant find the varible available for the basic monthly one.
The HETENURE variable is part of the CPS basic monthly survey. IPUMS has not yet harmonized this variable; however, we continue to add more basic monthly variables. The greater the perceived demand by IPUMS users, the sooner a variable is likely to be released.
In the meantime, it is possible to link IPUMS-CPS data to the source data files available through NBER. The IPUMS household linking variables can be found here. To link person records, you will also need to use LINENO, AGE, and SEX. The corresponding NBER variables are identified in this documentation.
Hope this helps.
Thank you!
I wasnt sure if i was just not looking at the right place in the IPUMS CPS.
Best Regards
Is there any update on whether you plan to harmonize the household tenure variable for CPS basic monthly samples? I know that the information from this variable is attached to IPUMS Time Use ATUS data now, but I’m curious if you still plan to make this available for the CPS samples.
The variable HHTENURE is available for basic monthly samples from 1989-June 2017. Housing tenure data are missing in the public use files released by the Census Bureau; in the past we have retrieved this information via Data Ferret (which has been decommissioned). The IPUMS CPS team does intermittently check to determine if the housing tenure data is otherwise available and will update HHTENURE to include the most recent samples if possible.
Adding to this thread, I am also hoping to cut monthly CPS data by housing tenure. Is the linkage to NBER source data described above still the recommended solution?
Specifically, what I’m trying to calculate is the monthly count of owner-occupied v. renter-occupied households over time.
The linkage to NBER files is no longer necessary, as IPUMS CPS now includes a harmonized version of this variable, HHTENURE. However, as noted by @KariWilliams in the previous post, the household tenure variable has not been released by the Census Bureau since June 2017, and therefore is not available from IPUMS CPS.