I would like to measure total time, which should add to 1440.

I would like to measure total time, which should add to 1440. When I try to make my total time variable by adding all the bls_ categories together (bls_carehh +bls_carenhh +bls_comm +bls_educ +bls_food +bls_hhact +bls_leis +bls_other +bls_pcare +bls_purch +bls_social +bls_work), some of the total times add to more than 1440. Can you tell me which categories are not mutually exclusive? Thanks for your help.

According to information about the time use interview, available here, personal care activities (BLS_PCARE) along with the “other” activities category (BLS_OTHER) are both not mutually exclusive with primary activities. Once these variables are excluded from your sum, the maximum value should be 1440.