I cannot download customized file via online analysis feature. Keep getting "no file" error following link.

Below is what I get if I click on link to the file. When saving directly, the error is “failed-No File” Not Found

The requested URL /extracts/AAGWXpmb.csv was not found on this server.

Apache Server at sda.usa.ipums.org Port 443

To save the file, you will need to right-click on the link. Left-clicking will result in an error message. Otherwise, there may be some problem with your file. If the problem persists, please try downloading data through the extract system, found under the ‘Select Data’ link on the IPUMS home page.

Thanks. Doing the right-click, save-target option gives me “Falied-No File” error. I had been using the extract feature which has always worked, but just thought I would try the online analysis. I have actually done quite a lot without downloading the data, so the feature is really impressive!