How to link original ASEC family relationship variable with RELATE variable of IPUMS ASEC?

In the original CPS ASEC files, there are variables called a_famrel (1988 and above), famrel (1987), and famreln (1986 and years before that). How do I recover these variables from RELATE variable of IUPMS? For example, a_famrel variable for 2007 looks like this:

tab a_famrel

Family relationship | Freq. Percent Cum.
Not a family member | 28,635 13.86 13.86
Reference person | 57,587 27.87 41.73
Spouse | 41,771 20.21 61.94
Child | 72,007 34.85 96.79
Other relative (primary | 6,639 3.21 100.00
Total | 206,639 100.00

I think this answer may help you out.

Let me know if this does not appropriately addess your question

Thank you. I tried that, and I find that the nature of this (I mean family relationship) variable differs significantly before and after 1988 for the raw ASEC. Please let me know if there is a way to fix this.