*********** Income variables : BRAZIL IPUMS ****************************************************************** ******************************************************************
** inctot
*9999998 = Unknown/missing.
*9999999 = NIU (not in universe).
*Brazil 1991: 9,999,997+ (top code)
** incearn
*99999998 = Unknown/missing.
*99999999 = NIU (not in universe).
***** 1) Recoding inctot and incearn
*** a) 1980
** i) Inctot
gen double inctot_bis=inctot // destinÈ ‡ êetre droppÈ (contrairment ‡ inctot_IPUMS qui sert ‡ garder la version originale)
* 9999998 = Unknown/missing.
* 9999999 = NIU (not in universe): people aged less than 10
* rq: top-code for Brazil 1991: 9,999,997+
*INCTOT reports the person’s total personal income from all sources in the
* previous month or year.
replace inctot_bis= . if inctot_bis==9999998
replace inctot_bis=0 if inctot_bis==9999999
/** br1980a_njob: job situation last week
1Just one job1,973,765
2Multiple jobs (primary occ. plus others)57,654
3Only working in secondary job26,266
4Seeking employment27,527
6Didnt work and wasn"t looking11,873
9NIU (not in universe)3,770,935 (Persons age 10+ who worked)
*ATTENTION: il y a des questions ‡ la fois sur le ft d’avoir travaillÈ last week et
*dans l’annÈe dans le recensement fde 1980!!!
*tab classwk br1980a_njob
/** br1980a_work: Worked in the last 12 months
3Drought front (frente da seca)19,078
9NIU (not in universe)1,520,128 (Persons age 10+)
*tab br1980a_work br1980a_njob // logique
*tab br1980a_work classwk // logique
* classwk comptabilise les gens comme ne travaillany suivant la derniËre annÈe
* la diff sur l’univers vient de unknown et drought front qui est pas clair
** br1980a_grossinc: Gross earnings in principal occupation
*0 = Zero earnings.
*9999998 = Unknown.
*9999999 = NIU. (Persons ages 10+ who worked)
/*Q∞ 37: Monthly gross income, received in money in the occupation declared
in question 30 (Occupation, profession, task, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time
(If changed occupations definitively note current occupation))*/
/*tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_grossinc==0
tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_grossinc==9999999
tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_grossinc!=0 &br1980a_grossinc!=9999998 &br1980a_grossinc!= 9999999
tab classwk if br1980a_grossinc==0
tab classwk if br1980a_grossinc==9999999
tab classwk if br1980a_grossinc!=0 &br1980a_grossinc!=9999998 &br1980a_grossinc!= 9999999
tab br1980a_work if br1980a_grossinc==0
tab br1980a_work if br1980a_grossinc==9999999
tab br1980a_work if br1980a_grossinc!=0 &br1980a_grossinc!=9999998 &br1980a_grossinc!= 9999999
*il ya qyelques inconsistent replies mais ds l’ensemble Áa va
rename br1980a_grossinc inc_mainjob
replace inc_mainjob=. if inc_mainjob==9999998
replace inc_mainjob=0 if inc_mainjob==9999999
** br1980a_earnprod:Earning in products/merchandise in principal occupation
*0 = Zero earnings.
*9999998 = Unknown.
*9999999 = NIU. (Persons age 10+ who worked)
*This variable identifies the person’s earnings from products/merchandise
*sold in their principal occupation. ==> mauvaise traduction c’est le paiement
*en nature en rÈalitÈ pas pris en compte dans la Q∞ 37
/* Q∞ 38:
So havera registro de valor quando a pessoa receber, pelo trabalho exercido, pagamento em produtos o mercadorias.
No caso de receber parte em dinheiro e parte em produtos ou mercadorias, a parte em dinheiro sera registrada no quesito 37 e o valor da parte em produtos ou mercadorias, neste quesito.
O registro sera do valor medio meansal, real ou estimado, dos produtos ou mercadorias comercializadas nos ultimos 12 meses (valor do mercado), que recebeu pela ocupacao declarada no quesito 30.
Nao computar o valor da producao para consumo proprio.
–> trad: So there will be value record when the person receive at work exercised , payment in goods the goods.
If you receive part in cash and part in products or goods , the cash portion will be recorded in the category 37 and the value of the portion in products or goods , in this regard .
The record will be the average value meansal actual or estimated , of the products or goods traded in the last 12 months ( market value ) , which received the occupation declared in the item 30 .
Not compute the value of production for own consumption.
rq: IPUMS is wrong when it says that its solely from principal occupation
rename br1980a_earnprod inc_jobinkind
replace inc_jobinkind =. if inc_jobinkind==9999998
replace inc_jobinkind =0 if inc_jobinkind==9999999
** br1980a_incother: Monetary gross income in other occupations
*0 = NIU. (Persons age 10+ who worked a secondary occupation during the week prior to the census)
*9999999 = Unknown.
/*Q∞ 39: Average gross monthly income from other occupations regularly exercised,
not including that declared in Questions 37 and 38.*/
** erreur d’IPUMS: ca concerne les pers qui ont rÈguliÈrement eu une seconde occup, pas seulement celles qui
*ont exercÈ une occup secondaire la semaine avant le census
/*tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_incother==0
tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_incother==9999999
tab br1980a_njob if br1980a_incother!=0 &br1980a_incother!= 9999999
*il ya qyelques inconsistent replies mais ds l’ensemble Áa va
rename br1980a_incother inc_otherjob
replace inc_otherjob=. if inc_otherjob==9999999
**br1980a_incpens: Income received from pension
*0 = NIU. ( Persons age 10+ with pension income)
*9999999 = Unknown.
/* Q∞46: Monthly gross income received from retirement (FUNRURAL, reform,
retirement, etc) from Pens„o de Instituto, Caixa de AssistÈncia Social o Fundo
de Pens„o, from Abono, PermanÈncia [varias pension funds], and, divided by 12
the 14th minimum salary received from PIS or PASEP.
** rq: Do not include income deriving from contributions paid in the past to
private funds or wage supplementing funds */
*–> surtout pour les retraitÈs mais pas seulement, il y a aussi des
*jeunes qui en recoivent (ex: auxilio-natalidad ou auxilio-doeca: aide ‡ la
*maternitÈ ou pour les maladies (ie. SÈcu))
*by age, sort: sum br1980a_incpens if br1980a_incpens!=9999999
*sum br1980a_incpens if br1980a_incpens!=9999999 & br1980a_njob==5
rename br1980a_incpens inc_pension
replace inc_pension=. if inc_pension==9999999
** br1980a_incrent: Income received from rent
*0 = NIU. (Persons age 10+ with income from rent)
*9999999 = Unknown.
/*Q∞ 47: Average monthly income deriving from rentals or leasing of real estate,
furniture, vehicles, machines, etc., including sub-letting
–> pas seulement housingang rentals */
rename br1980a_incrent inc_rent
replace inc_rent=. if inc_rent==9999999
**br1980a_incdonat: Income received from donations
*0 = NIU. (Persons age 10+ with income from donations)
*9999999 = Unknown.
/*Q∞ 48: Average monthly income regularly received, deriving from monetary donations,
allowance (argent de poche/indemnitÈs) from non-residents of the household,
or alimony (pension alimentaire)*/
rename br1980a_incdonat inc_donation
replace inc_donation=. if inc_donation==9999999
** br1980a_otherinc: Other income received
*0 = NIU. (Persons age 10+ with other income)
*9999999 = Unknown.
/*Q∞ 49: Monthly average of other income received during the last 12 months and
deriving from investment or other use of capital*/
rename br1980a_otherinc inc_othercapital
replace inc_othercapital=. if inc_othercapital==9999999
** assigner une valeur de 0 inc_jobinkind quand c’est la seule source de rÈmunÈration dans le ou les jobs
*–> comparability purpose with the other census years
replace inc_jobinkind=0 if inc_mainjob==0 & inc_otherjob==0
*inspect inc_jobinkind if inc_mainjob==0 // ok
*inspect inc_jobinkind if inc_otherjob==0 // ok
gen double inctot_unharmonized= inc_mainjob+inc_jobinkind+inc_otherjob+inc_pension+inc_rent+inc_donation+inc_othercapital
*sum inctot_unharmonized inctot_bis
*gen test= inctot_unharmonized-inctot_bis
*inspect inctot_unharmonized inctot_bis
*inspect test
*inspect test if inc_jobinkind==0
*inspect inc_jobinkind
** 1∞ diffÈrence: vient du fait que inctot_bis oublie de prendre en compte inc_jobinkind
*(erreur d’IPUMS)
*inspect test if inctot_bis==9999997
*inspect test if inctot_bis==9999997 & inc_jobinkind==0
*drop test
*br inctot_unharmonized if inctot_bis==9999997
**2∞ diffÈrence: inctot_bis est top-coded (bien que Áa ne concerne qu’une seule valeur)
drop inctot_bis inctot
rename inctot_unharmonized inctot
*** ii) Incearn
gen double incearn_bis=incearn
*99999998 = Unknown/missing.
*99999999 = NIU (not in universe). (Persons age 10+)
*INCEARN reports the person’s total income from their labor (from wages, a business, or a farm)
*in the previous month or year.
replace incearn_bis=. if incearn_bis==99999998
replace incearn_bis=0 if incearn_bis==99999999
gen double incearn_unharmonized=inc_mainjob+inc_jobinkind+inc_otherjob
*inspect incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis
*gen test = incearn_unharmonized-incearn_bis
*inspect incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test
*inspect incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test if inc_jobinkind==0
*sum incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test if inc_jobinkind==0
**1∞ diffÈrence: vient du fait que incearn_bis oublie de prendre en compte inc_jobinkind
*(erreur d’IPUMS)
*sum incearn_bis if inc_mainjob==0
*sum incearn_bis if inc_mainjob==.
*sum incearn_bis if inc_otherjob==0
*sum incearn_bis if inc_otherjob==.
*inspect incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test if inc_otherjob!=0 & inc_jobinkind==0
*sum incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test if inc_otherjob!=0 & inc_jobinkind==0
*sum incearn_unharmonized incearn_bis test if inc_jobinkind==0
*drop test
*2∞ diffÈrence: incearn est codÈ comme 0 quand inc_otherjob==0 (erreur d’IPUMS)
drop incearn_bis incearn
rename incearn_unharmonized incearn
drop br1980a_socsec inc_mainjob inc_jobinkind inc_otherjob inc_pension inc_rent inc_donation inc_othercapital
**** c) recode les personnes out of universe
replace inctot=. if age<10
replace incearn=. if age<10
* ATTENTION: je n’ai pas recodÈ income as misising when income==0 ou age<10
Income variables IPU-1.docx (86 KB)
Income variables IPU.docx (89.5 KB)
Income variables IPU.txt (9.88 KB)
income IPUMS harmoni-1.zip (6.58 KB)
income IPUMS harmoni.zip (6.58 KB)