Hello. I believe I have spotted some mistakes regarding the description and coding of the Brazilian income variables in 1980.
First, regarding br1980a_earnprod. It corresponds to the monetary value of in kind payments from main occupation and is not taken into account into the computation of inctot and incearn.
Second, regading br1980a_incother. It corresponds to earnings from secondary occupation(s). Its universe is said to concern “Persons age 10+ who worked a secondary occupation during the week prior to the census ”. The “during the week prior to the census” part is wrong: the question concerns all people regularly exercising a secondary occupation in the census year.
Third, br1980a_otherinc is described as “Other income received”. It should be more accurately described as “Other capital income received”.
Fourth, inctot is also top-coded in 1980 (though this concerns only one observation) and this should be mentionned on the variable description page.
To this regard, I find it weird inctot to be a 7-digit variable and incearn an 8-digit variable since inctot is mechanically larger than incearn.
Fifth, incearn coded as zero as soon as br1980a_incother is coded as zero (which explains why incearn has so many zeros).
I hope this helps!