how to do cross tabs in TerraPop?

Suppose I want to get an indicator, such as the population of persons (male, female) who live in households that are in urban slums

Since UN Habitat

defines a slum household as a group of individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of the following conditions: access to improved

water, access to improved sanitation, sufficient living area, durability of housing, and security of tenure

I will need to do cross tabs and put things together, or should I access the microdata and do my own programming???

The aggregate, area-level data available through TerraPop represent pre-defined tables. Many of these tables do contain multiple dimensions, such as school attendance by age or marital status by sex. However, if the table you are looking for is not currently available as an Area-level variable I would recommend attempting to create the table using microdata, as you suggested.

I hope this helps.