Hi, I need the crosswalks for the 1945, 1957 and 1967 SIC codes with IND variables in the census.
I’m not certain we have what you are looking for. Perhaps you can provide more detail? IPUMS USA provides access to census data. However, there was no census fielded in the years 1945, 1957, or 1967. You might be looking for IPUMS CPS data, which has data going back to 1962. In any event, here is a link to all available industry crosswalk tables. Additioanlly, here is a link to the INDNAICS variable, coded according to the NAICS scheme.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for answering. I have to merge different data bases. In particular I have data from the bls where they use the codes SIC 1945, SIC 1957 and SIC 1967. I need to merge the variables from the bls with the census data from IPUMS. I need to find crosswalks between these SIC codes and the IND code in the census. The final industry code that i am using is IND1990 from ipums but if there is a crosswalk between some of those SIC codes and for example IND in the 1960 census I could use it to merge both data bases.
Any crosswalk to help me merge these variables will be great.
I looked at the 1960 codebook and there are SIC equivalents in the industry code section but it seems to me that they are the same codes than the ones in the 1970 codebook that uses the SIC 1972.
In any case, any help with this would be very useful.
Thanks again!
Ah, thanks for the additional detail. Unfortunately, we don’t have the crosswalks you are looking for and there probably is not an easy way around this issue. One possible solution is detailed in this previous user forum question. Sorry for any inconvenience.