Followup: Unreliable DWELLING and DWSEQ in 1920 complete data?

Hi Mr Bloem,

You previously (in March 2017) answered a question about erroneous 1920 census complete-count data variables DWELLING and DWSEQ: Unreliable DWELLING and DWSEQ in 1920 complete data?

It seems these variables are still erroneous. Downloading the 100% 1920 data with serial and dwelling selected show many, many family “serials” at each “dwelling”, consistent with what the previous user found. I was hoping to inquire as to whether a correction for this was on the horizon, as I am considering a project for which this information is important.

Many thanks,


We do not have any definitive updates to share. The IPUMS USA Team is aiming to release an updated version of the 1920 full count file sometime this academic year, but unfortunately there is no specific release date set yet.