FTOTVAL is the sum of INCTOT for all individuals of a family. I am trying to construct an allocation flag for FTOTVAL based on whether the income value of any component (INCWAGE, INCFARM etc) has been allocated for any of the members of the family.
First I tried to replicate FTOTVAL by adding INCTOT for all family members and I used (YEAR MONTH SERIAL FAMID) to uniquely identify a family. FAMID is the unique family identifier based on the Census Bureau’s definition of family, and FTOTVAL should have been constructed based on this variable. However, the variable I created in this way does not perfectly match FTOTVAL and there are some large discrepancies.
I also tried using (YEAR MONTH SERIAL FAMUNIT) to uniquely identify the family (where FAMUNIT is based on the IPUMS definition of a family). This variable matched some of the observations of FTOTVAL which were not being matched before, but there remained many discrepancies.
Could you please advise me on which variables I need to use in order to uniquely identify the family members whose income has been added up to obtain FTOTVAL for that family? This will allow me to determine whether FTOTVAL has been imputed by checking the allocation flags of other income variables for each of the family members.