In the ATUS and CPS, the year of immigration variable (yrimmig) is coded into categories, but I want the exact year of immigration. Since the text of the question is “When did this person come to the United States to stay?”, is it possible to access the exact year given in the original answer instead of these categories? Do I have to go through the BLS? Is it restricted access?
Although the survey question seems to ask for the exact year, the CPS actually provides response categories for respondents. To see this, you can look up the variable PRINUSYR in CPS monthly record layout file. So, I’m afraid the exact year of entry is not available. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your great work and for providing the data.
I would like to confirm whether we can rule out the possibility that respondents in the ATUS/CPS surveys include undocumented immigrants. Additionally, is there any study, paper, or report that estimates the share of undocumented respondents in these surveys?
I assume that the number of undocumented respondents is relatively low, but I am looking to get a better sense of the extent.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
Best regards,