Hi All,
I would like to obtain the information from the question on “culture” in the 1992 Chilean Census
The question is as follows:
16. If you are Chilean, do you consider yourself to belong to any of the following cultures?
1 Mapuche
2 Aymara
3 Rapanui
4 None of the above
However, I cannot find the corresponding variable to this question. Is that available through the IPUMS dataset?
IPUMS International disseminates census data and works to provide a consistent coding structure across countries and over time to facilitate comparative research. Two different types of variables are released as a result: harmonized variables that provide a consistent coding structure, and source variables that correspond to the variables in the original datasets submitted to the IPUMS project (see this FAQ section for more detail).
The harmonized variable ETHNICCL provides ethnicity data from Chile for 2002 and 2017. However, data from 1992 has not been harmonized into this variable due to the smaller amount of detail available in that year. Instead, you can find the original data for this variable in the source variable CL1992A_INDIG. Source variables can be found by either using the search tool and checking the Include source variables box or by selecting the Source Variables option in the variable selection page (after adding samples to your data cart) and using the dropdown Household, Person, or Sample menus.