Calculating HHINCOME for HISPAN Households


I’m using R and want to calculate certain percentages under median income for Hispanic Households using ACS 2019 1 Year.

To find Hispanic households would it always be PERNUM 1? Or is it possible that PERNUM 1’s race and ethnicity will be different from other persons within the same Household Serial? My guess is the latter is true.

If anyone has any advice on calculating number of Hispanic households in R, please let me know.

Your guess is correct. The ACS does not categorize households by race or hispanic origin. These only appear as individual level variables. PERNUM equal to 1 only refers to the first person who appears in the survey and does not imply anything about the remaining household members. Therefore, if there are members of a household who differ in race or ethnicity, then the value for the variable will also differ by PERNUM.