Available data by age groups and sex across US citites

Thanks for your great website. I am interested in socio-demographic data for 60+ population by sex across US cities. I wonder if my information of interest is offered by the ACS 1-year and 5-year data offer via NHGIS portal?

The information you are looking for is available through NHGIS. To select only ACS data, navigate to “American Community Survey” in the “Datasets” option when applying filters. This will enable you to select 1-year and/or 5-year ACS datasets as needed. The 1-year ACS datasets are available at the “Place” geographic level and the 5-year ACS datasets are available at the “Place” and “Consolidated City” geographic levels (these can be specified using the “Geographic Levels” filter). Finally, specify Age, Sex, and the relevant socio-demographic information you are interested using the “Topics” filter. You might also find these tutorials on Using the NHGIS Data Finder and NHGIS Filter Options helpful as you navigate data available through NHGIS.