I downloaded all the 17 samples of AHTUS and those aggregated time usage variables such as “act_pcare” and “act_work.” But after I loaded it in STATA, only the 1930 sample has non-zero values for those act_* variables, all other year samples are all zeroes. Why?
Did I missed anything to include for sample 1965-2012 in AHTUS?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention–something is definitely not working as expected when we generate these variables. We are looking into the issue and will provide an update soon.
Thank you for your patience and alerting us to this error. Thanks to your email, we discovered and fixed an issue in our underlying data processing system that erroneously replaced all time use variables with 0 values for all years except 1930. We have addressed this error and released updated versions of the 1965-forward data. While reviewing the time use variable issue, we identified a number of other irregularities in the 1930 data and are reviewing them more closely with our data partners before making the 1930 sample available again (hopefully in the near future). To thank you for your help in identifying an error in the data, we would like to send you an IPUMS mug. Please email ipums@umn.edu with a mailing address where we can send this token of our appreciation.
I am writing to update this post to note that the 1930 USDA Homemaker Studies: College Women survey data have been re-released and are again available via IPUMS AHTUS.