I was looking for a variable that indicates “class of worker” in the ACS 2018 5-year dataset from the IPUMS USA on IPUMS.com. Still, I couldn’t find any variable that matches the nine categories as Census Bureau provided. I only saw several variables (such as UCLASSWK, RCLSSWR, CLASS6YR) that collapsed nine categories into fewer categories, but, unfortunately, they are not available for the ACS 2018 5-year data.
Could you help me to find the variable? Or is IPUMS still processing the variable that will be released later? Thank you.
The following code is the nine categories mentioned in PUMS_Data_Dictionary_2014-2018.pdf
COW Class of worker
b .Not in universe (less than 16 years old/NILF who last worked .more than 5 years ago or never worked)
1 .Employee of a private for-profit company or business, or of an individual, for wages, salary, or commissions
2 .Employee of a private not-for-profit, tax-exempt, or .charitable organization
3 .Local government employee (city, county, etc.)
4 .State government employee
5 .Federal government employee
6 .Self-employed in own not incorporated business, professional .practice, or farm
7 .Self-employed in own incorporated business, professional .practice or farm
8 .Working without pay in family business or farm
9 .Unemployed and last worked 5 years ago or earlier or never .worked