Hello, I have a question about matching the 2018 CPS ASEC Health Insurance population counts with the published totals in Table 1 of Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2017.
I can replicate every row for the 2017 column of Table 1 except for Employer-based (181,036) and Direct-purchase (51,821) coverage. In both cases, my totals are substantially less (172,647 and
50,607, respectively).
However, if I use my employer-based and direct-purchase variables with the variable out, I am able to match the “any private plan” total. I suspect that the Census may allocate some respondents in the out category back to the employer-based and direct-purchase totals, but I didn’t see any mention of this in the documentation.
I was hoping someone may know how to match the employer-based and direct-purchase totals exactly. Here is my code.
gen hi_employer = 0
replace hi_employer = 1 if grpdeply == 2 | grpownly == 2 | grpoutly == 2 | grpcoutly == 2
gen hi_direct = 0
replace hi_direct = 1 if dpdeply == 2 | dpownly == 2 | dpoutly == 2 | dpcoutly == 2
gen hi_medicare = 0
replace hi_medicare = 1 if carely == 2
gen hi_medicaid = 0
replace hi_medicaid = 1 if himcaidly == 2
gen hi_va = 0
replace hi_va = 1 if hichamp == 2
gen hi_private = 0
replace hi_private = 1 if (grpdeply == 2 | grpownly == 2 | grpoutly == 2 | grpcoutly == 2) | (dpdeply == 2 | dpownly == 2 | dpoutly == 2 | dpcoutly == 2) | out == 2
gen hi_public = 0
replace hi_public = 1 if carely == 2 | himcaidly == 2 | hichamp == 2
gen hi_unins = 0
replace hi_unins = 1 if hi_private == 0 & hi_public == 0
* Matches Census Table 1
table hi_private if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_public if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_unins if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_medicare if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_medicaid if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_va if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
* Does not Match Census Table 1
table hi_employer if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]
table hi_direct if year == 2018 [pw=asecwt]