Hello! I noticed that WARD is unavaibale in the 100% count 1930 data (but it is available for the samples). Will WARD ever be made available for the 1930 full count or are the data too messy?
Hello! I noticed that WARD is unavaibale in the 100% count 1930 data (but it is available for the samples). Will WARD ever be made available for the 1930 full count or are the data too messy?
Unfortunately there are not any current plans to add WARD information to the IPUMS USA 1930 full-count file. ENUMDIST in combination with COUNTY can be used to identify small areas. familysearch.org makes digital images of the enumeration district maps available here: https://www.familysearch.org/search/i… (you will need to create a free account to view them).
I hope this helps.
Thank you for the quick response! It looks like enumeration district is also unavailable for the 1930 full count dataset. Is that in error or are there plans to publish that for the full count dataset in the future?
Yes, sorry about that. This variable is currently unavailable as it is being inspected for possible inconsistencies. IPUMS USA does plan to release ENUMDIST for the 1930 full count file in the near future.
Got it. Thank you again for the clarification. Is there any way to sign up for notification of that data release?
Unfortunately, email alerting for specific releases is not yet supported for IPUMS data products. Generally, IPUMS will send out emails to all users of IPUMS USA when there has been a major data release. When this variable is released it will be listed on the Revisions page for IPUMS USA.
I’m sorry I do not have an easier solution.
No problem! I’ll just keep checking the site.