I was trying to link the raw data from the IPUMS USA website for Puerto Rico to the PUMA GIS shapefile. However, in the raw data extracted from this website there are 30 list of PUMA codes for Puerto Rico, while the GIS shapefile of PUMA from US census website only gives 27 PUMAs. Furthermore, the PUMA codes do not match.For example, in the GIS shapefile, the PUMA codes starts from 00101, 00102, to 01101, 01102, while the PUMA codes from this website https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/vari… have different codes, which goes from 00100, 00200, to 02500 and 02600 consecutively. Could you help me look into this?
Furthermore, do you know where to download the PUMA GIS shapefile? I used the ftp address ftp://ftp2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER…, but you may know better place than this.
I believe the issue stems from the recent change in PUMA codes and boundaries. As noted at the bottom of the PUMA Comparability Statement, 2012 was the first year that the new 2010 Decennial Census based PUMAs were used. The codes you listed from the GIS shapefile correspond to the new 2010 Decennial Census based PUMAs used in the 2012 ACS/PRCS file, while the PUMAs listed on this page correspond to the 2000 Decennial Census based PUMAs used in the 2000 Census and 2005-2011 ACS/PRCS files. The FTP site you listed is an excellent source for shapefiles. IPUMS-USA also offers downloadable shapefiles in their Geographic Tools area (the 2010 Decennial based PUMA shapefiles will be added to the IPUMS-USA website soon).