According to IPUMS documentation (https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/variables/HHINCOME#description_section), HHINCOME should equal the sum of all household member’s individual income, coded as INCTOT. So I was checking the 2010 census data against this fact.
However, in 2010, it seems like the HHINCOME does not include the income of unrelated household members (RELATE>=10). For instance, observations where SERIAL = 8, the household member is unrelated to the hh head (RELATE=12) and earns income (INCTOT=1200), but hhincome is N/A. Another case is, for instance, SERIAL=898615. The HHINCOME=1, but it does not reflect the unrelated household member’s INCTOT.
Codes I used:
* replace n/a income *;
replace hhincome=. if hhincome==9999999
replace inctot=. if inctot==9999999
replace ftotinc=. if ftotinc==9999999
* manually generate tot to see if tot=hhincome *
egen tot=sum(inctot),by(serial)
list serial numprec hhtype pernum relate sex age hhincome tot inctot ftotinc slwt in 1/50
* compare the two variables: hhincome tot *
compare hhincome tot
list serial numprec hhtype pernum relate sex age hhincome tot inctot ftotinc slwt if hhincome != tot & hhincome !=.
list serial numprec hhtype pernum relate sex age hhincome tot inctot ftotinc slwt if hhincome != tot in 1/500