I am interested in counts of households in the 5 year ACS samples. As a first step, I am trying to benchmark the national total to aggregates published by the Census Bureau, but they are off by about 7 million.
I load the 2015-19 ACS microdata and sum up the HHWT (counting each household once), using the following Stata code:
do usa_00024
qui sum hhwt if pernum == 1 & year == 2019
di %9.0f r(sum)
The result is 128,847,014. I expect to see 120,756,048, as in the published aggregate here (DP02 2019 5Y): Explore Census Data
Why does this discrepancy exist? What do I have to do to IPUMS data in order to have the same definition of households used by the Census Bureau in calculating household counts?