What is the best way to create the per capita using the "offtotval" variable in the data?

What is the best way to create the per capita using the “offtotval” variable in the data? I would like to use the same poverty line for all individual in the sample?

I’m not sure I entirely understand your question. Would you be able to provide a bit more detail about what you are trying to accomplish?


I would like to use the official income variable estimate the poverty rates using different poverty line, which is the same for all individuals, for example $10 per person per day?

What is the best way to do this?

Many thanks,


It sounds like you may be attempting to replicate poverty rates. If so, you will want to read through our notes and methodology for obtaining official poverty rates.
You may also want to look at using INCTOT to calculate per capita income; you can do so by summing up INCTOT within some geographic area and then divide by the number of individuals with AGE==15+.