Trouble working with idhs data (opening and ending tag mismatch)

I have been having trouble interacting with idhs data via R. I’ve followed instructions that I’ve found on various IPUMS resources, and haven’t been able to problem solve yet.

My code looks like this:
ddi ← read_ipums_ddi(“idhs_00003.xml”)
data ← read_ipums_micro(ddi)

and the error looks like this:
Error in read_xml.character(ddi_file_load, file_select = NULL) :
Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 13 and head [76]

Hi Stephanie,

This error seems to be referring to a bad DDI file. As a first step, I recommend redownloading and replacing the DDI file, being sure to follow the instructions here. If that doesn’t work, I would resubmit the extract request by clicking on the Revise button next to the extract on the My Data page and submitting with no changes to the request. You can then redownload and replace the DDI and data files from the new copy of the extract. If neither of these solutions work, please follow up here on the forum or email us at and we can help you troubleshoot further.