Timeline for release of 2010 to 2020 Geographic Crosswalks for New Census Boundaries

Hi! Is there an estimated timeline available for when the 2010 to 2020 geographic crosswalks will be available for helping compare the old and new census geographies? Thanks a ton for all you do!

Thanks for your interest!

Our next planned release will provide a crosswalk from 2020 blocks back to 2010 blocks, and we aim to publish that at least a week in advance of August 16, when the Census Bureau plans to release the first version of the 2020 redistricting data. If time allows, we may include additional crosswalks for levels other than blocks with this release.

We’ll start with a “backwards” crosswalk because our model for allocation weights requires summary data from the “target zones.” This means we can already compute 2020-to-2010 allocation weights (using available data for 2010 blocks), but we have to wait until the new 2020 data are available before we can compute 2010-to-2020 allocation weights. A backwards crosswalk will also allow users to combine new 2020 data with our existing time series tables, which are standardized to 2010 geographies.

We’ll add “forward” crosswalks to 2020 geography sometime after the 2020 data are released, but we don’t yet have a timeline for that.

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