Dear Joe,
THanks a lot for the article. This is exactly what i was needing. I have actually decided to do the match itself based on the household characteristics and demographics, that should otherwise not change, to identify the same person in the basic march CPS and ASEC.
Under the principle that they should be the same samples, I thought was the most likely aproach.
For the 1994, 2003 and 2012 March CPS data, I managed to match about 130K observations with their “twins” in the ASEC. I can share you the code, which might help regarding the creation of the link id for the IPUMS. my email friosa@gmail.
Bellow is the table of matched (right) and un match (left) observations
| match and Survey year
Flag for | ----------- 0 ----------- ----------- 1 -----------
ASEC | 1994 2003 2012 1994 2003 2012
---------- --±------------------------------------------------------
asec | 11,325 82,437 70,667 139,618 133,987 130,731
March Basic | 1,007 7,301 641 139,618 133,987 130,731
Thanks again for the article. Fernando