Request access to additional countries

Hi, the way I am going about my analysis has changed and I therefore need to add a few more countries to the download. How can I apply for this?

Approval for IPUMS International is not country-specific; you can modify your extract using the instructions below to add countries to your analysis. We encourage users to update their research statement in their account information to reflect the updated scope of their project.

To add samples to your extract, go to the ‘Download or Revise Extracts’ page by clicking on the ‘My Data’ tab near the top of the page. Under ‘Revise Extract’ click on ‘Revise’ for the extract for which you would like to add samples. Once you have done this, the ‘Extract Request’ page comes up, showing you details about your data extract. To add samples (i.e. countries) to your extract, click on ‘Change’ next to ‘Samples’. This will bring you to the Samples page and allow you to add samples to your extract.