Percentage share of STEM jobs by states

Dear all,

I am working on a project regarding occupation-educational mismatching in the US. I am looking for the percentage share of STEM jobs/ industries by states/ counties in the US from 2011 to 2018 to create instrument variables for mismatching variables.

I am aware that in IPUMS USA, we have variables for occupations as well as industries. We also have places of work. Are there any ways to construct a percentage share of STEM jobs/ industries by states/ counties in the US from 2011 to 2018 based on those variables?

My approach is that I can count how many occupation codes are available in a particular place of work. Then I will count how may of those occupations codes are STEM. Is this a good approach? Are there any STATA commands for this solution?

Thank you so much for your help in advance.

There are different ways to define STEM jobs, but a standard one is the one used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (link). You can convert the SOC codes used in that list to the occupation codes used in the ACS by using the crosswalks available from the Census Bureau or by using the variable OCCSOC. These can then be used in conjunction with the variable EMPSTAT to calculate the fraction of employment in STEM and non-STEM occupations. You can calculate this by the individual’s place of residence using state (STATEFIP) or county (COUNTYFIP), but note that not all counties are identified in the ACS data. You can also identify their state and county of work (PWSTATE2 and PWCOUNTY).