Miami Dade County 1940 Full Count Question


In the 1940 full-count Census data, what is the appropriate state economic area (SEA) code for Miami or Dade county (COUNTYICP 0250)?

IPUMS lists, in a few places, that Dade County is in SEA 70 ( but in the data I’m pulling from IPUMS (1940 full count), Dade County is listed as SEA 69. SEA 70, importantly, is not present in the data I pulled for some reason.

Has anyone else noticed this? Am I going crazy?

One way to verify what I am asking is to look at full-count Census data for 1940 and observe whether SEA 70 appears. If it doesn’t, the next step would be to search for Dade County (countyicp 0250) and see where it appears. In the data, it appears to be in SEA 69, and I don’t understand why this should be the case.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. I can confirm that it does appear that Dade county is listed under SEA 69 in the 1940 full count and that SEA 70 is not present in this sample. I’ve shared your post with our historical data team who will be able to take a closer look at this issue in the next few weeks; I’ll follow up with their response and any additional relevant information. In the meantime, you should be able to continue identifying Dade county separately from other counties in SEA 69 using SEA = 69 & COUNTYICP = 250.

Thanks so much, Ivan, for the response and passing the query along to the historical team. Looking forward to learning more!

The historical data team has identified a number of additional counties besides Miami-Dade whose SEA code in certain census years does not correspond to the code in our documentation. We will work to correct these codes and will note the fix on the IPUMS USA revision history page when it is released. In the meantime, I’m attaching a file that lists the correct State-County-SEA mappings for misassigned counties with an additional column that indicates the census year the SEA code is misassigned.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We like to show our appreciation for users who help us significantly improve the data by offering them an IPUMS mug as a token of our gratitude. Please send an email to us at with an address that we can ship your mug to.

miscoded_sea_dict.xlsx (15.0 KB)

Thank you, Ivan, for the follow up. And thanks to the historical team’s work. I appreciate the revised spreadsheet you sent!