Dear all,
I am trying to merge the IPUMS CPS data to CEPR CPS data at the person (nested in household) level.
Are there any unique identifiers I could use? In which way have they been adjusted in the IPUMS CPS?
f.e. cpsid cpsidp would be good candidates I guess but the CEPR quivalent of them is much shorter; what could I do here?
I am not familiar with the structure of data provided by CEPR, however, here are links where you can find available technical and linking variables in IPUMS CPS:
This document goes into detail about the creation of CPSID and CPSIDP. You may want to see what household identifiers are available in CEPR; we have a variable, HRHHID, which is part 1 of the CPS household ID on the original files, that sounds like it may be helpful.