Link to census tract estimates points to crosswalk files

Hi! I’m interested in obtaining a copy of NHGIS’s annual census tract estimates for 2010-2019 as described here (Tract Estimates | IPUMS NHGIS). Unfortunately, when I click on the download link, I’m redirected to download census tract crosswalks. Is there any way to get the census tract estimates instead? They’d be very helpful for my research.

Many thanks,

Dear Matt,

We’re working to get those data out - the website you found isn’t quite finished yet. That’s why you’ll find no link for it from our main page! I hope the have the tract estimates out by the end of November and will let you know when they are ready to download.

Dave Van Riper

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Thanks for the update! Look forward to the release

Hi Dave,

I’m looking for the Census tract estimates from 2000-2019 as well, but all the linked files on the webpage here: are the block2010-block2020 crosswalk estimates instead of the actual data. Is this data ready to download or is it still not up on the website yet?


Hi Caroline,

It’s not up on the website yet - I got busy in December and haven’t gotten around to it. I hope to have them posted by the end of January.
