I noticed there is a label “47” in the variable yrimmig. Does it mean that these respondents immigrated into the US after 2023?
I noticed there is a label “47” in the variable yrimmig. Does it mean that these respondents immigrated into the US after 2023?
The code 47 in YRIMMIG in the 2023 ATUS indicates that the respondent immigrated to the U.S. between 2020 and 2023. We seem to have not assigned a label to this code. While looking into this issue, we discovered that we have not updated the codes and labels for the 2023 ATUS. So, there are a couple of other small errors to be aware of for the time being; our ATUS team is working to fix these. These issues only apply to the 2023 sample.
Code 46 should be labeled “2020-2022.”
Individuals with code 43 (2018-2020) should have code 42 (2018-2019).
Please reach out if you have any other questions about these data.