Hello. Oklahoma became a state in 1907 and so is represented as one state in the 1910 census. In 1900, the census was collected in “two” states: Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory. When I request a subset of the 1900 full-count census for only Oklahoma (statefip == 40), I only get Oklahoma Territory, as indicated by the population size and by the names of the counties. If Indian Territory has its own special FIPs code, I cannot find it. How do I access 1900 census data from Indian Territory?
Currently, 1900 census data from Indian Territory is not available in the IPUMS USA full count files, but they are available in the 1%, 1.2%, and 5% samples for 1900 (you can identify these using STATEICP 53 & COUNTYICP 9010-9180). Responses for Indian Territory were primarily collected using the Indian schedules and not the population schedules used for the broader US population. We intend to release these records along with other territory data (including Alaska and Hawaii), but do not have a timeline for making these data publicly available. In the meantime, we can make these data available via a restricted use contract; however, I should be clear that these data have not been thoroughly cleaned and are available as strings rather than harmonized and coded files. Email at ipums@umn.edu to inquire about restricted use versions of the data and how to apply for access.