I’m a reporter at CBS News, and I’m wondering if you have information to share on the top 20 or so jobs most held by immigrants (foreign-born people) in the U.S.
I tried to build a report but I’m having trouble downloading it.
My email address is Elisha.fieldstadt@cbsinteractive.com
Thank you
We have several online tutorials that are often helpful for assisting new users make use of the IPUMS data extract system.
Regarding specific variables that will help answer your question. BPL is the “birthplace” variable that identifies where each respondent was born. There are many variables pertaining to ‘work’. I’d suggest first looking at the IND or OCC variables for “industry” and “occupation” codes, respectively. We also have integrated industry and occupation variables, see IND1990 and OCC2010.
I hope this helps. Please let us know if you haven any additional questions by emailing ipums@umn.edu