[Sorry: cross-posted on DHS User Forum)
Good evening - I am appending / pooling recent surveys from a number of African countries. I realized that the the length of the key stratification variables: IDHSSTRATA and IDHSPSU are different betweeen countries.
According to IPUMS documentation, IDHSSTRATA is supposed to be a 9-character variable, while IDHSPSU is a 10-characters.
But as the following example shows, the character length differs among countries. Does the length have to be the same across countries ? If so, how do I add or subtract characters?
Angola 2015:
Idhspsu = 2401000001
Idhsstrata = 240100018
Lesotho 2014
idhspsu: = 42603000180
Idhsstrata: = 4260300016
Zimbabwe 2015
idhspsu: = 71606000390
Idhsstrata: = 7160600017
thanks - Yawo