I am examining unemployment in the District of Columbia across subgroups and in order to increase the sample size, I have appended CPS Basic Monthly data for January 2016 through September 2016. (I am also going to do this for Jan - Sept of 2007 to make a comparison pre-recession and post-recession).
Because I have 9 months of observations combined into one dataset for 2016 (and later plan to do the same with 2007), how can I drop repeated records/respondents who have been surveyed more than once during this period? I saw in a previous question that if you drop all cases where MISH >=5, this will drop repeated records. But does this hold true if I have 9 months of CPS data appended into one dataset? Or is there a better technique and/or a frequency weight I can use that will account for repeated records?
Also, what is the proper weighting variable to use if I am attempting to measure unemployment amongst subgroups (i.e. unemployment by race, family type, sex, age, etc.)?
Thank you very much for your time!