I was using CPS monthly data to look into people earning less than $10/hour and learned that the Census Bureau implemented a new rounding scheme for hourly wage variables in April 2023. The HOURWAGE2 documentation explains that the new rounding scheme no longer allows the identification of those earning less than the federal minimum wage and that workers who originally reported a wage below the federal minimum are identified in SUBMINWAGE.
When I summarized HOURWAGE2 for those paid hourly in August 2023 and limited to those identified as originally reporting earning less than the federal minimum, I was surprised to see workers earning less than $7.25/hour, as I expected their hourly wage variable to be recoded to $7.25/hour under the new rounding scheme.
Can you please clarify what I am misunderstanding about the new rounding scheme?
Thank you so much!
. summ hourwage2 if subminwage==1 & paidhour==2 & month==8 & year==2023, detail
Hourly wage (rounded)
Percentiles Smallest
1% 1 1
5% 1.15 1
10% 2 1.15 Obs 63
25% 2.15 1.15 Sum of wgt. 63
50% 2.85 Mean 4.05
Largest Std. dev. 2.606521
75% 6 7.25
90% 7.25 7.25 Variance 6.793952
95% 7.25 7.25 Skewness 1.885572
99% 16.5 16.5 Kurtosis 9.166996