I understand that for confidentiality reasons the international Census data is normally only given at the primary or secondary level. I have a question though: what if I am looking at the fourth layer (or fifth layer depending on how you count) for a South African subplace (Bellville and/or Crossroads) that has more than 20,000 people. Would it then be possible to get lower level data?
IPUMS International is only able to provide access to the census data as it is provided to us by national statistical agencies. Therefore, in many cases it is not really up to us to decide what geographical areas are identifiable in the data. In the case of South African census data, in older samples (e.g. 1996 and 2001) lower geographical areas such as municipality (MUNIZA) and magisterial district (MAGISZA) are available. In more recent samples (e.g. 2007 and 2011), however, the district is the lowest level geography identifiable in the data.