Error in R data read

The .dat file is automatically called through the .xml file when you run the following code (substituting ‘usa_00001.xml’ with the name of your extract):

ddi ← read_ipums_ddi(‘usa_00001.xml’)
data ← read_ipums_micro(ddi)

In addition, make sure you save the .xml file to the same directory as your .dat file.

IPUMS released a new version of ipumsr to CRAN that should have fixed the other issues mentioned on this thread. If after running the above code the problem persists, verify that you have the correct version of ipumsr (version 0.4.5) with the command 'packageVersion(“ipumsr”). Finally, if you are still having issues after trying these options, please provide a sample of the code you are using so that I can help you troubleshoot the issue.