If I understand it correctly, EARNWEEK2 is the only variable measuring weekly earning from April 2023. In other words, for households entering the survey in January 2023 for the first time, their weekly earning is only recorded thru EARNWEEK2 in April 2023.
The IPUMS website said N.I.U value for EARNWEEK2 is 9999.99. However, when I did a stata code sum earnweek2 if !inlist(empstat,10,12) & year >=2023 & month >=4. It is supposed to summarize earnweek2 for individuals surveyed after 2023m4 who were not working. It shows that the value is 999999.99 instead.
Should the N.I.U value for EARNWEEK2 be 9999.99 instead? Or should I divide the whole series by 100 to reflect dollar amounts post 2023m4?
Thank you so much!