Do you have variable "puiodp1"/Same employer question?


I am interested in the CPS question “puiodp1”, which is:

Last month, it was reported that you worked for (employer’s name). Do you still work for (employer’s name) (at your main job)?

1: YES

2: NO

But I don’t see it. Do you have it?

Thank you!

The PUIODP1 variable is part of the CPS basic monthly survey. IPUMS has not yet harmonized this variable; however, we continue to add more basic monthly variables. The greater the perceived demand by IPUMS users, the sooner a variable is likely to be released.

In the meantime, it is possible to link IPUMS-CPS data to the source data files available through NBER. The IPUMS household linking variables can be found here. To link person records, you will also need to use LINENO, AGE, and SEX. The corresponding NBER variables are identified in this documentation.

Hope this helps.