I was wondering if the variable hhdfmx is available in IPUMS for 1979-2015? Or some unharmonized versions? I cannot find anything except RELATE. However, RELATE does not give me enough details.
HHDFMX is not available on IPUMS, but you should be able to get the same level of detail that you would get from HHDFMX using a combination of RELATE and family interrelationship variables available on this page. FTYPE will tell you if an individual belongs to the primary family, a related subfamily, an unrelated subfamily, is unrelated to any families residing at the address, or is living in an address with no families. FAMREL provides finer detail on families by distinguishing whether an individual is the reference person, their spouse, their child, another relative, or someone unrelated. Finally, you should be able to use MARST and AGE to get the remaining data that’s available in HHDFMX. As a note, these variables use the Census definition of families, which is different from the one employed in IPUMS-created variables such as MOMLOC, POPLOC, and SPLOC.
Hi Sheldon,
I see you’ve previously asked about building a crosswalk between variables Relate, Ftype, farmer, marst, age and hhdfmx, as hhdfmx is not available in the public version of CPS data.
Have you built that crosswalk, and if yes, would you be willing to share it with me?
Many thanks!
Hi Valery. I ended up using the combination of relate, ftype, and famrel. However I don’t have a crosswalk per se. I used the relevant categories of the three variables that represent the categories in hhdfmx to create an indicator for cohabitation. I am happy to share the code if it helps.