'CLWKR' for spouse/partner?

Hi, is there an equivalent of ‘CLWKR’ for spouse/partner in ATUS? I’m trying to determine if s/p was self-employed or working at home without pay at time of ATUS, specifically if ‘SPUSUALHRS’ = “hours vary.” Thanks much, SG

In each household, there is one ATUS respondent, for whom a time diary and many other variables are available. This person can be identified with RELATE=1. There are other household members with person records in the ATUS, and limited information is available on these non-respondent household members. The variable CLWKR is available only for employed ATUS respondents (see the variable’s universe). Therefore, it is not possible to attach the CLWKR value of a spouse to an ATUS respondent’s record.

However, information collected on the ATUS respondent’s spouse as part of the CPS may be useful to you. Worker classification was collected at the final CPS interview for all members of the household who were employed at the time of the interview, or had been employed in the last 12 months, that were part of the household at the time of the CPS interview. The final CPS interview takes place 2-5 months before the ATUS interview. You can therefore use CLWKR_CPS8 to determine the class of worker of ATUS respondents’ spouses as long as the spouse was part of the household for the final CPS interview. Of course, keep in mind that their employment status and/or class of work may have changed between the final CPS interview and the ATUS interview. You can use CPSIDP, a unique person identifier available in both IPUMS CPS data and IPUMS ATUS data, to determine whether an ATUS respondent’s spouse was present in the household for the CPS interview(s), and to link their past employment information to the ATUS respondent’s record. Read more on linking the CPS and ATUS on this page.

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Thank you for the prompt and comprehensive response.