I am having issues analyzing the demographic variable CHBORN in the 1950 1% and 1960 1% US censuses. For my work I focus on women born between 1893 and 1903 (so aged 47-57 in 1950 and 57-67 in 1960).
In the 1950 1% data, I weighted each CHBORN value using the PERWT variable. I find that about 63% of women aged 47-57 had 0 children. This is obviously wrong, the number should be 7-8%. However the distribution of CHBORN omitting childless women is comparable to that from the 1960 data. I am trying to figure out why there is such an excess of CHBORN=0 in that sample.
I also ran into a problem with the 1960 data: no women declared more than 13 children in that census (CHBORN is 13 or less). This is odd because in 1950 about 0.6% of women who had children had more than 13. It seems odd that the 1960 data would be truncated at 13.
I would appreciate any resources or advice that might help solving these two issues.
Many thanks,