Can I use NHGIS Crosswalk for Block Group Level Data?

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you so much for this detailed explanation. I’ve been following some of your posts on moving from block groups w/ 2000 Census boundaries to tracts w/ 2010 Census boundaries. I am trying to harmonize 2009 ACS data (2000 Census boundaries, albeit with geography issues) to 2010 Census Tracts (similar to this poster). I know 2009 ACS is not available at the block group part level, and I couldn’t find a crosswalk on NHGIS Crosswalks page that would allow for 2000 block group → 2010 tract. Do you know if NHGIS plans to create this crosswalk (somehow negotiating the issues with the 19 counties, etc.)? Or is this a situation where I need to generate my own crosswalk (as you explain based on populations/weights) in the above post? Thank you so much for fielding all these questions. And my apologies in advance if I missed something on this forum or NHGIS’s website.